TRUE OR FAKE. Are Pio Moa’s theses on the Spanish Civil War negationist?




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On July 25, “Le Figaro” published a long interview with Pio Moa, an essayist accused of distorting the narrative of the Spanish Civil War to whitewash his crimes under the Spanish dictatorship. An approach much criticized by Internet users and the academic world.

A great interview coupled with an explanatory video of the article for social networks. “Le Figaro” strongly promoted Pio Moa’s theses this summer in its columns, describing his work as a “innovative thesis”. Yet this essayist is controversial to say the least, accused of rewriting history. “At the center of his theses, there is the idea that the left is responsible for the civil war. However, this is false, the civil war is triggered by the coup d’etat of the generals. On this point, all the academic historians agree on this”says Charlotte Vorms, lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

The article and the video have drawn the wrath of social networks in the face of comments consisting, in particular, in considering this coup d’etat as a preventive measure to counter a communist plot orchestrated from Moscow. An argument that is nothing new since it was invented during the war by the Francoists. He even comes to deny war crimes such as the Badajoz massacre, which he considers a “pure invention”. However, the next day, journalists had documented the facts and the consensus of academic historians speaks of a massacre that would have caused between 2,000 and 4,000 deaths. “We are in the denial of crimes against humanity”laments François Gadicheau, professor of contemporary history at the University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès.

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