Trudeau shoots an arrow at Meta over B.C. wildfires

(West Kelowna) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canada’s dispute with Meta is a “testing moment” for the country to stand up to the social media giant that makes billions of dollars but takes no responsibility regarding the well-being of the communities from which it benefits.

Mr. Trudeau made the comments in West Kelowna, one of several communities caught by wildfires last summer, as information about wildfires and evacuation routes was blocked on the Facebook platform of the Meta group.

Meta blocked Canadian news on Facebook in response to the Online News Act of the federal government, which seeks compensation for media outlets whose articles are shared on Facebook feeds.

Justin Trudeau said he knows many people are trying to find ways to keep everyone informed, especially in emergency situations, but that countries need to stand up for journalism, not kowtow to the corporations that win billions while damaging democracy.

The Prime Minister said he met today with the mayors and fire chiefs of the municipalities that were ravaged by wildfires last year, as well as a number of families who lost their homes in British Columbia and who are still impacted by the situation.

Mr. Trudeau was also in West Kelowna last August, just days after a wildfire destroyed hundreds of homes.

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