Trudeau expects “everyone” to respect ICJ rulings on Israeli military operations in Rafah.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) order is consistent with Canada’s position on Israeli military operations in Rafah.

The highest judicial body of the United Nations ordered Israel on Friday to “immediately stop its military offensive” in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, without ordering a ceasefire in the Palestinian enclave.

This highly targeted decision sends a triple message to Israel: end the offensive in Rafah, allow war crimes investigators access to the Gaza Strip, and immediately increase humanitarian aid to the region.

Mr. Trudeau reiterated on Friday Canada’s call for a ceasefire for Hamas to lay down its arms and release all hostages, as well as the need to bring more humanitarian aid to the Strip. from Gaza. He also recalled that for Canada, the only way out of the Middle East is the “two-state solution”.

The Prime Minister emphasizes that the ICJ decision is binding and that Canada expects everyone to respect it under international law.

The ruling is a blow to Israel’s international reputation, but the court does not have a police force to enforce its orders.

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