Trudeau and Poilievre jostle for the attention of Quebecers

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his main adversary, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, are both in Mauricie on Wednesday, where they are jostling for the attention of Quebecers.

Passing through Shawinigan, Prime Minister Trudeau sharply criticized the Conservative leader, who was to address the media in the afternoon in Trois-Rivières, saying ironically that he was delighted to see “that Mr. Poilievre is finally starting to pay a little attention to Quebec” and that it will “perhaps begin to listen to the priorities of Quebeckers.

According to Mr. Trudeau, who was visiting a company manufacturing charging stations for electric vehicles, Pierre Poilievre will have to learn that “for Quebecers, the economy and the environment are not in contrast, they must go together”.

He also said he hoped the visit from his Conservative counterpart would give him “a better understanding [de l’importance] to have a plan to fight against climate change”.

Justin Trudeau’s visit to Mauricie is part of a larger tour aimed at promoting his government’s energy transition efforts, while Mr. Poilievre’s visit is more aimed at trying to boost his anemic popularity rating in the province.

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