Truckers Demonstration | The Ambassador Bridge blocked between Windsor and Detroit

(Windsor) The Ambassador Bridge that connects the cities of Windsor, in southwestern Ontario, and Detroit in the United States, is temporarily blocked in both directions by a demonstration by opponents of compulsory vaccination.

Posted at 8:00 a.m.

On Monday evening, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) issued a statement asking motorists to avoid the Ambassador Bridge area and suggesting that if traveling to the United States, they should use the Bluewater Bridge in Sarnia instead.

The blockade of the Ambassador Bridge, one of the busiest Canada-U.S. border links, began Monday afternoon. Early Tuesday morning, the Windsor Police Service reported that about 100 protesters were still at the scene.

No arrests were made.

This demonstration is part of those taking place to support the protesters who have occupied downtown Ottawa for more than ten days.

On the other hand, on Monday evening, demonstrators again blocked access to the Coutts border crossing in southern Alberta.

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