truck shipments targeted by thieves


Video length: 2 min

Transport: truck cargo targeted by thieves

Transport: truck cargo targeted by thieves – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – T. Cuny, Y. Madec, C. Arnold, H. Pozzo, H. Strobel, L. Beneyton

France Televisions

Thefts of cargo from goods trucks are increasing in France. According to information from France Télévisions, more than 1,800 cargo thefts were committed in France in 2021.

They acted without weapons or violence, but by trickery. This is how they committed several thefts. The most spectacular was in a perfume company in the Paris region. The loot is estimated at more than two million euros. The thieves’ technique consisted of posing as transport companies on the Internet. They then won contracts and came to collect the goods with their own trucks. They robbed several Ile-de-France businesses before being arrested.

Ultra-secure car parks are emerging

Truck drivers are used to being targeted. One of them was robbed several times. His truck still bears the marks. “I can’t do anything because they do this when we sleep”, he confides. Ultra-secure car parks are emerging to prevent theft, as in Alsace. Here, the 250 places are protected. In 2021, more than 1,800 cargo thefts were committed in France, according to information from France Télévisions.

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