Trostyanets, a city liberated after a month under the yoke of the Russians



France 2

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The Ukrainians managed to regain control of several areas, such as Trostyanets (Ukraine). Residents are appalled by what they experienced during the Russian occupation.

Like waking up after more than a month of nightmare. The small town of Trostyanets (Ukraine) has been liberated from Russian occupation. Among the inhabitants still on the spot, consternation mingles with anger. “It’s hard to imagine that this can happen in the 21st century. We did everything for peace, we built new roads this year, beautiful parks in the city center and everything is destroyed”laments a woman.

“I feel rage and hatred towards them, towards these bastards who did this”, says a man. Only about thirty kilometers from the Russian border, the liberation of Trostyanets is particularly symbolic: it was one of the very first towns to see armored vehicles arrive on the morning of February 24. If the city is liberated from the Russian yoke, the war continues: Ukraine enters its 36th day of war.

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