Trois-Rivières has created 11% of all new daycare spaces developed since 2021

The City of Trois-Rivières has just won an economics award following its efforts to support family daycares. It alone has created 11% of all new places developed since 2021.

Not bad for a city which accounts for 1.6% of Quebec’s population, notes Pierre-Philippe Foucher, general director of the coordinating office of the CPE Les Petits Collégiens.

In two years, Trois-Rivières’ initiatives have made it possible to add at least 114 environments and approximately 700 places on its territory out of the 6,190 identified throughout Quebec during the same period.

“It is really with economic development in mind that we moved forward,” explains the mayor, Jean Lamarche.

The initiative was launched in 2022 at the suggestion of a municipal councilor, Maryse Bellemare. In her sector, the latter was often contacted by parents unable to find places for their children.

“We were on the threshold of full employment at 5%, 4.8%,” relates the mayor. “We concluded that we had to allow these people to re-enter the job market, at the speed they wanted. »

And, “we’ll tell each other”: “it’s mostly women, because often it’s mothers who choose to stay at home,” he points out.

The City injected $100,000 into the adventure. It joined forces with two coordinating offices as well as Desjardins ($50,000 more) to offer support of $4,600 for the start-up of a new home daycare service.

When we add the assistance from the Ministry of Families ($3,500), this brings the assistance per project to $8,100.

The program was called “Propulsion family daycare services”. In May, the Union of Municipalities of Quebec (UMQ) awarded it a Municipal Merit Ovation prize in the Economic Vitality category.

For the City, which has been shaken by strong internal conflicts between elected officials in recent years, this success is obviously a great source of pride.

Training for the new and recognition for the old

The help is not limited to funds, however. Trois-Rivières has also made efforts to promote the work of family circles.

In June 2022, the City organized a recognition activity for family daycare (RSG) managers who have been in practice for many years.

“We gave a wreath of flowers and a plaque to the people who had childcare services and then we named them: those who had been in activity for five years, ten years, fifteen, twenty years…”

Jean Lamarche says he was touched by the very emotional reaction of some of the women honored. “There were people who cried in my arms. »

“That’s when I understood. They spoke to me a lot about isolation, they did not see that they were part of a whole,” he continues.

“When we do activities like this, I think it creates a climate of solidarity which can surely help from time to time when times are hard. »

Around a hundred managers also received $1,000 in administrative support as well as gift cards.

As for the new RSG managers, they don’t just receive money either. The coordinating office offers all kinds of support measures, such as free training and outdoor activities already planned for the little ones, explains Pierre-Philippe Foucher, from the Les Petits Collégiens coordinating office.

Added to this are support measures for newcomers. “If it is someone who decides to move to the region, we will help their spouse look for work, we direct them to real estate agents,” points out Mr. Foucher. “When people come from outside and it’s difficult for French, we direct them towards francization courses. »

The role of cities

Delighted by the results of the program, its artisans intend to continue their efforts over the coming years. After all, there are still hundreds of places to fill in the region.

“For my part, as long as the need is there – and it seems to still be there – we continue,” says Jean Lamarche. In May, the program was renewed with the aim of creating 35 more family environments.

It remains to be seen whether it is the role of cities to assume such a role. The mayor of Nicolet, Geneviève Dubois, believed in January 2023 that we needed to be careful.

“Our citizens, through their taxes, already subsidize CPEs. […] Everyone has their own skills, everyone has their responsibilities. »

For my part, as long as the need is there — and it seems to still be there — we continue.

Nicolet has also done a lot to create places in recent years by creating a $100,000 fund to support the opening of new daycares or even expansions.

Gold Mme Dubois judges that the aid must remain punctual to avoid such a burden being transferred to the courts of the cities for good. Since then, Nicolet has still extended the aid since there was still demand and funds remained in the program.

Questioned on this subject, the mayor of Trois-Rivières, Jean Lamarche, retorted “that in the end”, it is his city which “remains stuck with the issue”. “Unfortunately we have the obligation to be creative and then innovative, and to find new ways of doing things. »

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