Tristane Banon: Who is her husband Pierre Lefèvre?

After having known ups and downs, Tristane Banon seems today to have found a happy stability in her private and professional life. The novelist, whom the general public discovered ten years ago after her complaint against DSK, has a great story with Pierre Lefèvre.

In the pages of the newspaper Release, in its edition of Wednesday January 5, we can learn a little more about the man who now shares Tristane Banon’s life. “The husband, Pierre, is particularly discreet. He works in a company that manufactures arthroscopy equipment and trains surgeons in its use.“, specifies the daily. It is true that the husband of the novelist appears from time to time by his side at some social events but, in general, he is hardly talkative about the history of the heart that ‘he shares with the latter.

Tristane Banon is a fulfilled woman thanks to Pierre – brother of the actress and former weather miss Pauline Lefèvre – whom she married in 2018 in the presence of a few VIPs. Together, they became the parents of a little boy named Ethan, born in 2020. This man also started a process that was very important to the novelist and journalist: he has adopted his daughter Tanya, born in 2015 from a previous relationship.

Left by the father of her daughter, whose name she does not even want to mention, she had told the moving meeting between her new lover and her daughter in the pages of the novel Take a daddy by the hand published in 2018. “As in the book she found herself [sa fille Tanya, NDLR] a real daddy. (…) To be a father is not necessarily to be the progenitor. As I write: don’t give too much importance to blood ties“, she said then in promotion. From now on, four of them form a flourishing family to the delight of Tristane, who had a special childhood, her mother Anne Mansouret having chosen to leave her to fend for herself in Paris when she was teenager to pursue a career in politics, in Normandy …

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