Tristane Banon pushes the actor and makes a fundamental precision

It’s been almost a week since Gérard Depardieu is at the heart of all the debates. On December 7, France 2 broadcast a new number of the show Additional Investigation dedicated to the famous 74-year-old actor. A documentary which paints an inglorious portrait of the actor and which highlights the fact that he is accused of rape and sexual assault, all with images never shown before of a stay in North Korea during the actor’s behaves like a cad with every woman he meets.

We see the actor behaving in an abject manner with women, multiplying obscene allusions and inappropriate remarks. We then discover that during certain old interviews, Gérard Depardieu would have already confided to having raped women during his youth. At the end of the investigation, the actor contacted by telephone then denies being an odious character.

Against all odds, Since this film, Gérard Depardieu has received unfailing support from several personalities of French cinema.the most recent being that of actress Nathalie Baye.

This Tuesday, December 12, the writer Tristane Banon was invited on the set of the show C to you on France 2 and spoke about the affair. “It is proven that Gérard Depardieu is at least a pig, but this man’s proven disgust must not allow us to drop the presumption of innocence in all other cases.” she said. “We cannot use the fact of saying Gérard Depardieu is a proven disgusting man to say: ‘Well you see we are erasing all the others, before even knowing what the courts will say about it’”she continued. And to conclude: “We explain that it is proof that all those who defend themselves against accusations against them are ultimately guilty. No!”

Enough to make Internet users react on X (formerly Twitter). Some seem to agree on relying on the presumption of innocence: “Good speech on Depardieu, objective”. Others, however, expressed their anger at the situation: “The presumption of innocence is a principle that protects the accused. What is the principle that protects the complainants?” ; “Two different speeches depending on the character…the presumption of innocence is as valid for Depardieu as for Bedos. Another one which judges…”; “Tristane you say that it’s normal if Fanny Ardant and others defend him, you add why not, but you call him a big pig, which he is! It’s not clear…”.



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