Triple negative breast cancer. In therapeutic impasse in France, why Aude “try everything for everything” in Germany

Aude Le Roux has metastasized triple negative breast cancer. The young woman, originally from Lannion, turns to Germany to follow a “last chance” treatment. The care is expensive and is financed through an online kitty.

“What I am offered in France is the right to die”. The words ring out loud. The voice is silent for a moment, overtaken by tears. Aude Le Roux has triple negative breast cancer, diagnosed in 2020.
In therapeutic impasse in France, the young woman, aged 35 and mother of a 3-year-old boy, went to Germany to receive treatment by immunotherapy and vaccine therapy. “When we no longer have a choice, we try everything for everything” she confides.

Back home for a few days, in Lannion, in the Côtes-d’Armor, she accuses the blow. And feels “very tired”. She knows that this journey is that of “the last chance, my only hope to live” because, just a year ago, she learned that metastases affect her bones, her liver and her lungs. Even Trodelvy, the innovative drug that can double the life expectancy of women with triple-negative breast cancer, didn’t work on her.

Aude says that she spent four days “intense” in a private clinic in Dornstetten, near the French border. With, every morning, immunotherapy sessions combined with the vaccine.

There are known cases of remission in this clinic. That’s why we go there

“In France, apart from chemo, they can’t offer me anything else, given my condition, relates Aude. To access immunotherapy, I would have had to receive no treatment after the discovery of the metastases. As for the vaccine, it is in clinical trials and the criteria to be part of these trials are drastic.

So she turned to Germany and more particularly to this clinic where other ‘triplets’ – this is how women affected by triple negative breast cancer call themselves – have also been treated. “We know of cases of remission in this establishment specializing in oncology, that’s why we go there” she emphasizes again.

The cost of treatment is high: around 200,000 euros for one year. Because Aude will have to travel to Germany every three weeks, while continuing her chemotherapy at the Plérin hospital. The care performed will not be reimbursed by social security. Therapeutic impasse but also financial impasse.

“I saw Aude in January,
says one of her friends, Iris le Gars. She was distraught. ‘All I have left is Germany,’ she told me. She also told me what such treatment would cost, I was appalled by the amount.

With three other friends, Iris decides to create an association: Audalavie. She is launching an online kitty. Donations arrive very quickly. 50,000 euros in a few days, then 100,000. To date, 182,868 euros have been collected. Or a year of care for Aude. “The kitty is always open, says Iris. Once Aude no longer needs this treatment, we will donate what is left of the money to other women who need it.”.

The association also organizes events to collect donations. Like this “Move for Aude” operation which will begin on March 4. “You just have to buy a bib online for 4 euros, put on your sneakers and do a sporting activity of your choice” explains Iris Le Gars.

Running, walking, cycling, swimming, surfing… The main thing is to post videos and photos accompanied by the hashtag #moveforaude. “We already have 400 registrations, rejoices the president of Audalavie. Sports clubs take up the challenge. It’s great because we want to help our friend in her fight”.

“This generosity gave me energy and strength” smiles Aude Le Roux who can count on those around her. “Thanks to the support of my family, my friends, I am still here”.

In two years, she chained chemotherapy, removal of the breast, the body steeped in constant pain. Days with, days without. Sometimes morale is darker. “I would like to play tennis with my girlfriends, go out with my son without pain, dance, enjoy life, regain a semblance of normal life. And above all, live without pain”.

In the morning, she sleeps a lot. When the physique follows, she joins the Solution-Riposte association where she practices fencing. There, she meets other women who have been operated on for breast cancer and who, like her, come to relearn the mobility of their arms, but also to rebuild themselves. “It makes me feel good” she says.

It’s a fast growing cancer. But when it is localized, treated in time and there are no metastases, it is treated

Aude fights for herself and for others. To raise awareness of this very aggressive cancer which targets young women – 40% of them are under 40 years old. “It is a cancer that progresses quickly. But when it is localized, treated in time and there are no metastases, it can be treated. Even if its recurrence rate is 30% and we gives a life expectancy of 14 months in the event of a relapse.”

This sportswoman at heart had planned to cycle around Brittany last year to inform and raise awareness about the triple negative. The results of his CT scan stopped the initiative in its tracks. “Since then, I haven’t found the strength to do it. I will do it later. I hope that one day I can”.

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