TRIO BOUDIN CELERI APPLES a simple dish that illustrates the history of blood sausages


Baking for the sausage, stewing for the celery and the apple so the flavors are preserved and enhanced.

The celery and its particular flavor, the sweetness of the apple and the character of the blood sausage make this simple recipe a wonderful meal!

Per person :

1 blood sausage, sliced

1 apple

¼ celeriac (or – or +)

Salt and pepper.

Place the slices of blood sausage in an ovenproof dish, put them in the oven without preheating and cook them for 15 min Th 7 (210°). Meanwhile, peel the apple and celery and grate them with the large side of the grater. Place them in a pan and cook over high heat for 10 minutes. Salt and pepper. In a dish, spread the celery/apple mixture, place the sausage slices on top and serve hot, warm or cold. Nice kitchen to all, Régine

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