Tribute to the victims of Hamas: LFI elected officials “would do better to stay at home”, believes Maud Bregeon, spokesperson for Renaissance deputies


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Tribute to the victims of Hamas: LFI elected officials “would do better to stay at home”, believes Maud Bregeon, spokesperson for Renaissance deputies

Tribute to the victims of Hamas: LFI elected officials “would do better to stay at home”, estimates Maud Bregeon, spokesperson for Renaissance deputies – (France 2)

Maud Bregeon, spokesperson for the Renaissance deputies and deputy for Hauts-de-Seine, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Monday February 5.

A national tribute will be paid, Wednesday February 7, to the 42 French victims of the attacks on Hamas in Israel on October 7. The ceremony will take place at the Hôtel National des Invalides, in the presence of representatives of the victims’ families. The representatives of five of them asked, in a letter to the President of the Republic, that “all presence” from La France insoumise (LFI) either “forbidden” during this tribute, accusing the party of “relativism and negationism”. They thus refer to the controversy created by the refusal of certain elected officials LFI to qualify the Hamas of group “terrorist” after the attacks of October 7. “It is up to the said parties to decide, in conscience, what is fair and elegant”indicates the Élysée.

Questioned on this subject Monday in the “4 Vérités sur France 2, Maud Bregeonthe spokesperson for the Renaissance deputies, indicated: “In my opinion, they would be better off staying at home.” “We have a political party which refused to qualify Hamas as a terrorist group. It is absolute cynicism to then want to come to this tribute”, she argued. Guest on BFMTV watch, the national coordinator of LFIManual Bompardfor his part affirmed: “We also wish to pay tribute to the victims of Hamas on October 7.”

“We have no interest in arguing”

The MP for Hauts-de-Seine also estimated “that we have no interest in arguing”because “what is at stake behind this moment of commemoration, of unity, of contemplation, with extremely deep pain for the families, must obviously take precedence over the rest”. “A political party that is not worth it should not take the spotlight in such an important event”summarized Maud Bregeon.

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