Tribute to the victims of Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Kosher

(Paris) Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo paid sober tribute on Friday morning to the victims of the jihadist attacks against the weekly Charlie hebdo and the Hyper Cacher store in Paris, seven years after the attacks.

Besides M. Darmanin and Mme Hidalgo, the president of the Île-de-France region Valérie Pécresse and the prefect of police Didier Lallement were present, as well as the first deputy of Hidalgo, Emmanuel Grégoire.

Like every year, the same ceremony was repeated three times.

First in front of 10, rue Nicolas-Appert (XIe), former premises of the satirical weekly, where the brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi had shot dead 11 people on January 7, 2015. Among the victims, emblematic figures of Charlie, like its director and designer Charb, the cartoonists Cabu, Wolinksi, Honoré, Tignous and the economist Bernard Maris.

Then a few meters further on Boulevard Richard-Lenoir, where police lieutenant Ahmed Merabet was killed by the Kouachi brothers while trying to stop them in their flight.

Finally, Porte de Vincennes (XXe), in front of the kosher supermarket targeted on January 9, 2015 by an attack perpetrated by another jihadist, Amédy Coulibaly, who killed three Jewish customers and an employee.

In accordance with the wishes of the families of the victims, no speech was made at the three places of meditation: after the reading of the names of the dead, the laying of wreaths and a minute of silence, the Marseillaise resounded in the cold Parisian .

“Let’s never forget them,” M Hidalgo on Twitter.

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