Tribute to the music that accompanies our lives

My dear friend Véronique entered her forties last week and I asked myself: how do we mark that, 40 years? Of course, it was necessary to bring together people she loves and who love her just as much, but what would that be, the cherry on the top? sundae ? Tsé, the little extra that comes to say “you change decade and we love you in sacrament “.

The most beautiful and human thing there is is music. So, I contacted the manager of one of Véro’s favorite artists to find out if it would be possible, a few songs for our friend’s birthday. If we can bring in gogos boysmagicians, a Disney prince and other fantasies, it must be possible to welcome a singer-songwriter…

A quick digression: I will never forget the birthday party organized for my daughter’s fourth birthday, for whom I had brought a magician quickly found on the Internet. Out of frustration, I called the first number that seemed to be near me, and it turned out that it was available. The trick was done! OK, not so much… When we saw him arrive, completely frozen, with a very yellow rabbit and a dove that kept losing its feathers, I felt a little uncomfortable in front of the parents, especially those who came to the apartment for the first time. A week after his arrival, when sweeping the broom, we still found old feathers under the couch…

So, last Saturday, while we were all gathered around the island in the kitchen, the doorbell rang: “Hello, Véronique, I hope it’s okay if I come crash your party. I do that on Saturday evenings, walking along rue Garnier with my guitar! »

The emotions and incomprehension on our friend’s face… It was beautiful to see. Without words, she went to sit down. Then, she was able to say: “Ayoye, it’s so fucked that you are here in person right now. Because you really accompany me in my life. Your music…”

In deplogue mode, we therefore welcomed the songs which rocked Véronique, which made her cry, or those by which she felt understood. She was holding her hand chum and we, all around, discovered one of its other depths. The words that make her vibrate when she is alone.

— OK, for the last one, I heard you like Foo Fighters?

—Oh my God, yes.

– It’s fine with me too ! I learned one for you…

Our special guest packed up her guitar and left us. Janie, our friend who could win baking contests with her sweet works of art, brought out her cake. We couldn’t have the Foo Fighters on rue Garnier, but nothing stopped him from baking a Dave Grohl cake, even if it’s a bit cringe.

My punk friend who didn’t want us to celebrate her 40th birthday ultimately wanted this evening to never end. This is another possible thing, Véro! Because we will always be here, just like the songs that accompany you in your life. Music is not a prince, a gogo boy, a dove, a rabbit…

It doesn’t shed and it doesn’t disappear.

To watch on video

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