Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II | Télé-Québec will broadcast Downing Street in the service of Her Majesty?

Télé-Québec will premiere the documentary Downing Street in the service of Her Majesty? this Sunday at 10 p.m., and as an encore on Monday at 8 p.m.

Posted at 5:21 p.m.

Laila Maalouf

Laila Maalouf
The Press

This documentary made earlier this year presents archival sequences, sometimes very personal confidences, interviews and reconstructed scenes to try to shed new light on the character, both hyperexposed and mysterious by the media, of the queen.

Downing Street in the service of Her Majesty? is already offered as a catch-up on the Télé-Québec website and app. The five episodes of the documentary series The Windsors, a royal dynasty will also be offered for free online this Friday.

Note that the broadcast of the film, which was originally scheduled for Sunday evening at 10 p.m., Tom at the farmis postponed to 11 p.m. Downing Street in the service of Her Majesty? will replace Her Majesty the Moss Monday, September 12.

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