Tribute to PK Subban | “I love you, Montreal! »

“I love you, Montreal! “, Launched PK Subban to the crowd before exchanging an ultimate triple low five with Carey Price. The two former teammates hugged each other, then left the rink, embracing, to unanimous cheers.

Subban’s return to the Bell Center – or “home”, to use the expression used by the Canadiens on Thursday night – was eagerly awaited by many fans. The electrifying defender, introduced by Michel Lacroix after a tribute video was shown on the giant screen, lived up to his reputation as a high-quality speaker.

“Good evening, Montreal! “, launched the new retiree at the microphone arriving on the ice accompanied by Mila Goolab, a girl with transverse myelitis and patient of the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

“I would like to thank the organization of the Canadiens, the Molson family. Thank you so much for honoring me and my family tonight. It means so much to me. »


PK Subban was accompanied on the ice by Mila Goolab, a young girl with transverse myelitis.

On several occasions, the former CH, Nashville Predators and New Jersey Devils was interrupted by the “PK, PK, PK”, which made the amphitheater vibrate. In the stands, supporters held up posters that had Subban’s face printed on them.

“These people will love you if you leave everything you have on the ice,” said the former number 76, addressing the CH players.

The ex-defender, still blown away by what he had been through, met the Montreal media in an impressive press scrum at the Jacques-Beauchamp lounge during the first intermission. “I haven’t seen so many microphones in a very long time! “, he exclaimed before welcoming the questions.

My connection with the fans seems to be growing even though I’m not here. Every time I come back it’s always stunning. People ask me how I prepare. I don’t think it’s possible to prepare for it. It’s always moving. and respect [que l’on me voue] is striking.

PK Subban

“People who know me know – and I know people don’t believe me sometimes – that these things are a little uncomfortable for me. It’s a lot of emotion. And I’ve never really liked showing my emotions too much. »

Subban explained that he received a call from CH owner Geoff Molson in the days following the announcement of his retirement in September 2022. The two men had a long talk and the former Canadian accepted Molson’s offer. to be honored before the game against the Predators. It was a “no-brainer” for him to say yes, he pointed out.

“I told Geoff it was a dream come true tonight, to be in this situation. Having him by my side when I was watching this video meant a lot. »

Price and Markov

When asked if his triple low five with Carey Price had been planned, Subban simply let it go: “The first time was unplanned and the last time, I’ll let you guess. »

The Torontonian said he was happy to celebrate this moment with some of his former teammates. “Having Carey here tonight to support me meant a lot,” he said.

Subban also explained that he wished his former blue line partner Andrei Markov could be there for the occasion. The two men also exchanged messages the day before the tribute.

[Andrei] had such a big impact on my career. The first time I met him, we didn’t always agree. We come from different cultures, we have different personalities. It moves me to talk about him because I used to go and sit at the Russian table every day trying to learn Russian, and I know he liked it. There’s this appreciation between us, not just as former teammates, but as friends.

P K.Subban

“It’s just my opinion, but his jersey should be on the ceiling. He is one of the best defenders to have played the game,” he concluded.

In terms of memories, the former athlete reiterated his pride in having been drafted by the Canadiens in 2007 and having received his jersey from the hands of Bob Gainey.

“I wish all athletes have an opportunity to play in front of fans like these every night. I never took that for granted. »

A “polarizing” person

When one of the many journalists present mentioned his “polarizing” personality which has not always been appreciated throughout his career, PK Subban explained that he had never claimed to want to please everyone.

“I think people in life describe you in different ways. If you talk to people who know me for real, they won’t use that word. But I also understand why my personality caused others to use that word in a game that didn’t see many personalities. »

“At the end of the day, you have to be yourself because everyone is taken. And who knows? If I had changed, maybe I wouldn’t be here today. »

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