tribute to Dominique Bernard, the murdered French teacher


Video duration:
2 min


Article written by

France 2 – B. Six, E. Bonnasse, A. Mouchard, T. Millot, B. Veran, C. Thephilous, L. Beunaiche, E. Delbecque

France Televisions

Gambetta high school in Arras opened its doors to students, parents and teachers on Saturday October 14. The day before, Dominique Bernard, 57, literature professor and father of three children, was murdered during a terrorist attack.

United in pain. Throughout the day of Saturday October 14, students, parents, teachers and anonymous people laid flowers in front of the establishment in Arras (Pas-de-Calais). A symbolic testimony, after the horror of the attack. “He loved his students very much. He was a little strict, but he was quite nice, and he was funny”cries a former student.

“A big loss”

Dominique Bernard was 57 years old. A French teacher, he was the first to face the terrorist. His heroic act is praised by all generations. “It’s hard, but we have to go beyond that. Today is a moment of sadness, of contemplation, and tomorrow we will have to show ourselves strong and united”confides the father of a 5th grade student, his throat tight.

The entire educational community of the establishment is affected. “I would like to thank him for everything he shared with us. He’s a great guy. It’s really a big loss for the children, for the establishment, for his daughters, his wife”, confides Philippe Lourdel, mathematics teacher at Gambetta high school. The astonishment is the same in the teacher’s village, Berneville (Pas-de-Calais), 500 inhabitants. Father of three daughters, Dominique Bernard led a calm life there. “It was a man, faced with the weakness of these people who do this kind of thing”estimates a resident.

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