trial required against the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti

The Minister of Justice is accused of having taken advantage of his position to settle accounts with magistrates who had investigated him when he was a lawyer.

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A lawsuit against the Minister of Justice. This is what the public prosecutor requested in the investigation for “illegal taking of interest” which targets Eric Dupond-Moretti, announced Tuesday, May 10, in a press release, the judicial institution. According to the public prosecutor at the Court of Justice of the Republic, the only institution empowered to try ministers, there are “sufficient charges against the latter for having committed these acts”.

Eric Dupond-Moretti had been indicted for illegal taking of interests on July 16, 2021 in a judicial investigation opened after a previous complaint from the USM and the Syndicat de la magistrature (SM, left) in December 2020. He is suspected of having taken advantage of his duties to request administrative inquiries into four magistrates, with whom he had come into conflict when he was a lawyer in two cases.

It is now up to the magistrates of the commission of instruction of the Court of Justice of the Republic to decide whether they refer the former lawyer to this Court or whether they dismiss the case.

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