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At the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015, the time was, Tuesday, May 24, for collective pleading in the form of tribute to the victims. Journalist Emmanuelle Lagarde looks back on this day, live from the courthouse.
At the trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015, a minute was taken, Tuesday, May 24, to discuss each victim. “More than eight months after the start of this trial, it is a way of recalling the reality of these 130 deaths. Some families wanted a minute to project the photo of the deceased, accompanied by a few words”reports journalist Emmanuelle Lagarde, live from the Paris Courthouse, in the newspaper 20 Hours.
During the pleadings, the words of David’s lawyer, one of the survivors of the cafe where Salah Abdeslam’s brother blew himself up, moved. “David is a nurse, he comes to the aid of the suicide bomber. And when he finds the explosive belt, he makes the choice to continue his rescue attempt. For his lawyer, it is the most beautiful proof of humanity, the most beautiful response of humanity that can be made to the accused”continues the journalist.