Trial of November 13: an audio extract of the attacks will be broadcast to the hearing


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At the request of certain civil parties, the special assize court will broadcast, on Friday April 1, sound clips and photos from inside the Bataclan, on the evening of November 13, 2015. Live from the Paris Courthouse, we find the journalist Nathalie Perez.

The day promises to be difficult for the survivors and the relatives of the victims of the attacks of November 13, 2015. “The court expects tomorrow to be a painful moment, a poignant moment. At the request of the victims’ lawyers, six minutes of the audio tape of the Bataclan attack will be broadcast [vendredi 1er avril] at the hearing”says journalist Natalie Perezduplex from the Paris courthouse.

The sound of the attacks that took place that evening will therefore resonate in the Assize Court. “Then, about fifteen photos of the crime scene will be projected on a giant screen. A way, according to lawyers, to make defendants aware of the consequences of their actions presumed”, explains the journalist. For the victims, this is a way of showing the raw and bloody truth that took place during the attacks, “essential in a trial for history”concludes the journalist.

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