Trial of Jonathan Massari | “You absolutely have to kill one”

Jonathan Massari wanted to become the lieutenant of the mafioso Salvatore Scoppa and the latter ordered him to “kill one” to prove himself.

Posted at 1:46 p.m.

Daniel Renaud

Daniel Renaud
The Press

This is what a former mafia hitman turned civil infiltration agent (ACI) for the police told Monday at the trial of Massari, accused of conspiracy and the murders of the lieutenants of the Sicilian clan, Lorenzo Giordano and Rocco Sollecito, and brothers Vincenzo and Giuseppe Falduto, in 2016.

Massari, 41, has been on trial by jury for these conspiracies and murders for a few weeks.

He was arrested in October 2019, following a major investigation during which the Sûreté du Québec benefited from the help of a former hitman who participated in three of these murders and who decided to collaborate with her.

This former killer, whose name must be withheld, resumed contact with Massari and other suspects during the summer of 2019, to compromise them, while he was wearing a recording device.

Capo de Sal

This ACI, who began to testify on Monday, said that Massari told him of having taken part in the murder of Lorenzo Giordano, killed in Laval in March 2016, and of having driven the getaway vehicle which was used for the shooter.

It was the ACI that killed Rocco Sollecito the following May. He said that the very morning of the murder, he and Massari went to the latter’s brother-in-law to retrieve firearms.

While handling one of them, the accused accidentally fired a bullet into a wall of the garage. Subsequently, Massari rode the ACI on motorbikes, before and after Sollecito’s assassination.

Finally, the witness recounted that on the day of the murders of Vincenzo and Giuseppe Falduto, committed on the grounds of Marie-Josée Viau and Guy Dion in Saint-Jude, it was Massari who was to kill the two brothers but that the latter “squealed”, and that it was the ACI itself that killed the Faldutos.

After the crime, ACI and Massari met Salvatore Scoppa in a cemetery, and ACI tricked Scoppa into believing that it was Massari who murdered the two brothers.

“Salvatore took Massari in his arms,” described the witness.

“Massari told me that he had to do these murders to become Salvatore’s capo. Massari did not kill Giordano and Sollecito himself. He had Marco Campellone, a neighbor, shot, but he didn’t do it himself. Salvatore Scoppa wanted him to kill one absolutely to prove himself, he said: make your bones “added the former hitman.

A “menu” of people to kill

The latter also said that he and his accomplices received from Salvatore Scoppa a “menu”, that is to say a list of people to be killed, all connected to the opposing Sicilian clan, and containing at least ten names. .

“Sal was a psychopath. For him, killing people and eating a sandwich was the same thing,” said the witness in particular about Salvatore Scoppa.

He said the killers scouted for a while to eliminate Nicola Spagnolo and Vito Salvaggio, two names that appeared on the menu, but eventually killed Rocco Sollecito first because he was the easiest target. and the highest paying ($300,000).

He said that it was the Salvatore brothers and Andrew Scoppa who gave the list but that in reality it was Vittorio Mirarchi who pulled the strings in the context of the conflict between the Calabrian and Sicilian clans of the Montreal mafia.

The witness also stated twice during his testimony that Massari called a source, a woman who worked at the Guy-Favreau complex, and whom he believes worked for the authorities.

To reach Daniel Renaud, dial 514 285-7000, ext. 4918, write to [email protected] or write to the postal address of The Press.

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