Trial of Harold LeBel | Surprise: the complainant returns to testify

The sexual assault trial of former MP Harold LeBel took an unexpected turn Monday morning at the Rimouski courthouse, when the complainant was called back to the stand in extremis because of new information.

The defense lawyer learned Wednesday evening that the young woman is participating in a Quebecor documentary in which she intends to reveal her identity. Me Maxime Roy believes that it deserved to be presented to the members of the jury, who would normally receive the judge’s instructions Monday morning and be sequestered.

“On Wednesday, I told you that you would hear no further evidence. However, I have just rendered a decision by which I authorize the parties to proceed with the reopening of the investigation of the trial, ”said Judge Serge Francœur on Monday morning.

The complainant, whom a court order prohibits her from being identified, was therefore subjected to new questions from Harold LeBel’s lawyer. Me Roy believes that this new information taints the sincerity of the complainant.

“Are you aware that during the trial several efforts were made to protect your identity? asked M.e Roy.

“I didn’t do anything wrong. I was sexually assaulted. The person who has things to be ashamed of is Harold LeBel. I don’t have to carry this on my shoulders. I don’t have to be the one you see in front of the cameras during the trial. This is not my own trial, ”replied the complainant.

Harold LeBel’s lawyer sought to understand why she had not revealed her participation in this journalistic investigation to the members of the jury or to the investigators. “She has every right to participate in a documentary. But why didn’t you tell it? “asked M.e Roy to the members of the jury.

The young woman indicated that she did not see the relevance of doing so. She explained that it was part of her journey, and that after having sought at all costs to protect her identity from the public, she now felt ready to reveal it.

“I want to turn these traumatic events into something positive, maybe even for society, by explaining the legal process,” she said.

Documentary filmmaker Léa Clermont-Dion also remained anonymous throughout the sexual assault trial of former journalist Michel Venne. She had chosen to come out of the shadows after the verdict.

The Crown prosecutor argued to the jury that the complainant’s participation in a documentary had little to do with the heart of the case.

“The subject was not broached in any way. Why ? Is it because it’s irrelevant to the accused’s guilt or innocence? “asked M.e Manon Gaudreault.

Judge Francoeur intends to give his instructions to the jury this afternoon. It should then be sequestered and render its verdict.

Harold LeBel is charged with sexual assault. The complainant accuses her, one evening in October 2017, of having tried to kiss her, of having undone her bra and then of having touched her while she was sleeping, petrified, in the Rimouski apartment of former member of the Parti Québécois.

The former politician instead described a consensual kiss, and claims nothing more happened.

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