Frightened, her head covered with a pillowcase, sequestered in a chalet with her husband: what should have been a quiet Sunday for Sandra Helm and her husband turned into a real nightmare. The kidnapping in September 2020 is linked to the involvement of her grandson in drug cases, said the American on Tuesday morning at the Montreal courthouse, where telephone exchanges between the kidnappers and the son Helm were presented.
Sandra Helm, 73, testified Tuesday at Gary Arnold’s jury trial. He is accused of kidnapping, sequestering and threatening Sandra and James Helm.
The American couple were abducted and held for ransom because of a cocaine importation gone wrong, following the arrest of the Helms’ grandson.
Sunday evening, September 27, 2020. Sandra and James Helm are back home after celebrating their wedding anniversary. Mme Helm watches TV while her husband sleeps in the bedroom, the victim told an attentive jury.
Two strangers break into their home in Moira, New York, according to Helm.
The kidnappers tell him that ” [son] grandson had done something wrong” and urges the frightened couple to follow them outside. “Quick, hurry up. If you take too long, you’ll regret it,” “the mafia is out there waiting for you,” they reportedly said.
Mme Helm then recounts being pushed into a type vehicle pickup, her face covered by a pillowcase. “I had no idea where we were going. I couldn’t see anything. »
The victim cannot urinate without a catheter. “I was crying in pain. »
One of the kidnappers returned with a male catheter, leaving the victim in acute pain. It was much later that he was provided with a proper catheter. In a video shown to the jury, a man identified as Mme Helm as Gary Arnold shows up at the hospital to get catheters.
“Your parents are fine”
Three men were in the house located in Magog where the couple would have been sequestered. One of them allegedly told Helm that she was there because of her grandson, Mackenzie Helm. “He tells me he stole drugs worth 3.5 million,” the victim explained.
Her grandson allegedly stole 50kg of cocaine in a drug deal that turned sour. He is currently incarcerated.

Michael Helm at the Montreal courthouse on Tuesday
Meanwhile, Michael Helm, one of the couple’s sons and Mackenzie Helm’s uncle, had contacted local police after finding his parents missing.
He later received a first call from one of the kidnappers, he told the jury on Tuesday afternoon.
“We have your parents. Your nephew took my things. I either want my stuff or your nephew, ”one can hear in a call presented in evidence.
Several other tense phone calls between Michael Helm and the kidnappers were heard by the jury. “I don’t want your parents. He’s your nephew. Your nephew put them in this situation. »
Michael Helm then speaks with his parents. Mme Helm, in tears, assures her that she is not hurt. One of the kidnappers then addresses the Helm son. “Your parents are fine. They are treated so well that they may never want to come back,” he laughs.

Sandra Helm (center) at the Montreal courthouse on Tuesday
The couple remained in the basement of the chalet all night after their arrival. The kidnappers had planned to move him.
“I didn’t think we were going to come back home. I couldn’t believe they were just going to let us go. We had seen their faces, ”said Sandra Helm.
The Sûreté du Québec’s Tactical Intervention Group (GTI) released the victims and arrested the suspects just in time, shortly before their departure from Magog.