Trial of Dominico Scarfo | “I like to appear behind the person”

Accused of the murders of two lieutenants of the Sicilian mafia committed in Laval in 2016, Dominico Scarfo made certain remarks on these assassinations and demonstrated his knowledge of the organized crime world, three years later, when he was recorded without his knowledge. by a former hitman turned mole for the police.

Posted at 7:37 p.m.

Daniel Renaud

Daniel Renaud
The Press

Scarfo, 49, is accused of plotting and killing Lorenzo Giordano and Rocco Sollecito, in March and May 2016, and has been on trial by jury for two weeks.


Dominico Scarfo

Giordano was murdered in a car driven by a woman, when the couple had just arrived at the fitness center where the mobster had been training since his parole. According to the lawsuit, it was Scarfo who held the gun with which Giordano was killed.

Rocco Sollecito was shot dead by an individual hiding in a bus shelter when he had just left his condo. It was this individual who became a civilian undercover agent (ACI) for the police.

According to the lawsuit, Scarfo was driving a car ahead of Sollecito’s SUV, and he stopped for a few seconds at a stop sign to give the killer time to act.

In the summer of 2019, the ex-hitman returned to Scarfo wearing a hand-held recording device and attempted to get him to talk about these murders. It is a first recording made on July 28 that the jurors listened to on Tuesday.

An ancestor in the Ndrangheta

“Why didn’t you kill him (Giordano) once you got out of the car? I do not understand. And the screaming woman. I know you, you are like a priest, you like it clean,” ACI asked him.

“I just like to appear behind people,” Scarfo replied.


Lorenzo Giordano was sitting on the passenger side seat of this car when he was killed at close range on March 1, 2016 in Laval.

“It’s like the bus shelter. From day one, it was the best place,” ACI continued, presumably referring to the murder of Rocco Sollecito.

” I told you. He (referring to another person whose identity is under a publication ban) wanted us to park in a place where we were not allowed to park,” Scarfo added, laughing.

The latter still seems ready to render services in 2019. He tells the ACI that he wants to work, “that his objective is to make money, that he has 2 or 3 guys who work with him and that ‘he wants power and territory’. He also asks the ICA to arrange a meeting with Andrea Scoppa.

“But does he still have loyal men”? asks Scarfo, adding that Scoppa “has a big contract on his head”.

At some point, Scarfo recounts that his great-grandfather was in the Ndrangheta.

When talking about murdered people, the ACI uses the word “cannolis”, referring to a scene from the movie The Godfather.

“The Scoppa owe us, you and me. I guarantee you I want the money for what we did, the cannolis. Nothing is free,” ICA said during the conversation.

The two men have very harsh words for the individual who cannot be identified under a publication ban and call him a “cockroach” in particular.

“He kept the motorbike, I can’t believe it,” says ACI, visibly referring to the device used in the murder of Rocco Sollecito.

“I don’t want to think about it,” Scarfo said.

The trial continues on Wednesday with the hearing of another infiltration scenario made by the ACI with the accused during the summer of 2019.

To reach Daniel Renaud, dial 514 285-7000, ext. 4918, write to [email protected] or write to the postal address of The Press.

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