Jimmy Méthot did not want to “die” like this. Véronique Manceaux and a teenager had been beating him for hours. When the young man fled, his tormentors caught up with him, stabbed him, then cleaned the scene for days. According to the Crown, Véronique Manceaux must be found guilty of first degree murder.
“Véronique Manceaux and [l’adolescent] beat Jimmy Méthot to death. […] Since he was injured and bleeding profusely, the accused and her accomplices had no intention of letting him go. To let him go… alive,” Crown prosecutor M pleaded on Wednesday.e Jasmine Guillaume.
It was the start of arguments Wednesday at the trial of Véronique Manceaux, a 38-year-old woman accused of the first degree murder of Jimmy Méthot, in September 2021, in Montreal. On Wednesday morning, the defense announced to the jury that the accused would not testify, as is her right. The Crown completed its evidence last week.

Jimmy Méthot
The Crown’s evidence is essentially based on the testimony of Abigail *, Jimmy Méthot’s girlfriend. This woman, whose identity is protected, is the only person who recounted the events of the bloody evening to the jury. His story, however, remains vague on certain points, notably the chronology of events. Abigail had used crack and alcohol that evening. Note that she is still accused of complicity after the fact and indignity to a corpse.
A 17-year-old teenager, already convicted of this murder in the youth chamber, flatly refused to recount the murder during the trial. The judge then accused him of contempt of court. The other accomplice, Everett Roger Clayton, is deceased. Previous testimony from the teenager, however, was presented to the jury, where he reported a version partly similar to that of Abigail.
The five protagonists of the affair were partying at Véronique Manceaux in Lachine that evening. The accused had used crack cocaine, according to Abigail. In the living room, her good friend “Veronica” suddenly accused Jimmy Méthot of being a spy in the pay of her ex-partner, Abigail said.
“ [L’adolescent] And [Manceaux] “hit Jimmy Méthot with weapons, trampled him in the kitchen, in the living room and in the entrance to the home, for several hours,” argued the Crown prosecutor.

Crown prosecutors Me Marie-Claude Bourassa and Me Jasmine Guillaume (right)
“Jimmy Méthot was sequestered and prevented from seeking help. Unconscious and nearly dead, he was left on the living room floor until he died from the abuse. […] Everyone helped Véronique Manceaux by transporting the body to the garage, cleaning the house and getting rid of the evidence showing their participation in the death of Mr. Méthot,” continued M.e Guillaume.
That said, Abigail was not able to tell at trial who had stabbed Jimmy Méthot.
In his previous testimony, the teenager said he saw Véronique Manceaux “sting” Jimmy Méthot, while she was holding a knife. Let us point out, however, that the teenager did not give this version at the trial. The young man said he did not remember the events due to taking medication.
Abigail’s testimony is supported, according to the Crown, by analysis of the crime scene and telephone exchanges between the accomplices. For example, traces of blood were found in the kitchen, where Jimmy Méthot was beaten by Véronique Manceaux and the teenager, according to the Crown.
It will be the defense’s turn to plead on Thursday. It will then be up to the judge to give instructions to the jury, the last step before deliberations.
* Fictitious name