Trial for disclosure of official secrets | Ortis would never have mentioned any undercover operation, according to a witness

(Ottawa) A former colleague of Cameron Jay Ortis, accused of disclosing secret information to “persons of interest” to the RCMP, testified at trial that the accused never mentioned having participated in “operations infiltration”.

Dan Morris told jurors that Mr. Ortis did not tell him about the possibility of contacting people who were the targets of investigations by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

The Crown alleges that Mr. Ortis, a former RCMP intelligence official, anonymously transmitted secret information in 2015 to people who were of interest in federal police investigations.

Cameron Jay Ortis, 51, has pleaded not guilty to violating the Security of Information Act by revealing secret information to three people and attempting to do so in a fourth instance.

His lawyers intend to demonstrate at trial in Ontario Superior Court that their client had the authority to take the actions he took at the time.

Journalists and the general public were excluded from the courtroom for Mr. Morris’ appearance on Monday, but a redacted transcript of his testimony was released on Wednesday.

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