Trevor Noah will leave the Daily Show

(New York) L’animateur sud-africain Trevor Noah a annoncé qu’il allait quitter les commandes de l’émission à succès américaine The Daily Show, où il a imposé son style et sa singularité pour devenir l’une des voix qui comptent dans l’univers des comiques aux États-Unis.

Publié à 12h19

« Mon temps est venu » après sept années aux commandes du Daily Show, a lancé l’humoriste de 38 ans, dans une vidéo enregistrée à la fin d’une édition du rendez-vous de la chaîne Comedy Central.

« Ce n’est pas à la minute, je ne disparais pas […] If I owe you money, I’ll pay you back,” he joked, making the audience laugh, only to be vague about his true departure date.

When he came to head the Daily Showthe flagship program of satirical talk shows, the challenge was daunting for this South African comedian, little known in the United States, especially since he was to replace Jon Stewart, legend of American television.

But for seven years marked by Donald Trump’s presidency and the COVID-19 pandemic, Trevor Noah imposed his uniqueness and his point of view as a mixed-race thirty-something in an American society tormented by the racial question. Between strokes of humor and good words, Trevor Noah, born of a white father and a black mother at a time when the apartheid regime prohibited interracial couples, also expressed his political reflections.

His success has imposed him among the voices that count in American humor, allowing him to invite figures like Barack Obama, Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci. From now on, Trevor Noah is the host of prestigious evenings in the United States, such as the Grammy Awards (2021, 2022), the music industry awards, or the White House correspondents’ dinner (2022) .

In his message, he linked his departure to the desire to devote himself more to his tours. “I miss learning other languages, I miss going to other countries and putting on shows,” he said. He will be on stage in 2023 in South Africa.

See Trevor Noah’s full statement on the show’s Twitter account.

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