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If many women have dropped the bra, they want to keep their modesty. More and more brands are offering nipple covers for sale.
Bras would no longer be popular. Those who no longer wear them declare themselves, according to the English term, “no bra“, “without a bra”. However, 69% people under 25 say they are embarrassed we see their nipple. So out of modesty, they buy small self-adhesive shells, called pastiesand make up on the end of the chest, under the t-shirt. Formerly confined to strippers, these accessories, which make it possible to conceal the nipples, see their sales explode.
Some manufacturers offer an alternative
All the brands respond to this request, which looks like a demand for female freedom. Influencers serve as role models and say they belong to the “club sans bra” on social media. They are followed by many followers, very determined. “I don’t need a bra, and it’s much nicer not to wear one“, said a young woman. So to win them back, some manufacturers offer an alternative, more comfortable, without underwire, and which covers the end of the chest.