Trembling eyelids (myokymia)

What is it about ?

Myokymia is a condition where one or more muscles in the eyelid involuntarily contract (s). Often only one muscle in the lower eyelid is affected. Usually the condition is mild and is due to tired, stress, physical exertion or excessive caffeine consumption. Rarely, a neurological disease can be the cause of the problem. If so, the problem is always accompanied by other symptoms.

How to recognize it?

These are light, involuntary movements of the lower eyelid that can be felt by yourself and seen in yourself or in others. They can also occur in other small muscles of the face and very rarely in the muscles of the arm and trunk. Contractions appear as seizures that usually don’t last more than a few hours. Symptoms go away on their own after several days.

How is the diagnosis made?

Doctors diagnose the condition simply by observing their patient. If the contractions (spasms) are limited to a single muscle, it is not necessary to go further in the examinations.

However, if the myokymia spreads to other muscles or if there are other symptoms, the doctor may need to consider other diagnoses. A neurological exam may be necessary.

What can you do ?

The tired, stress and excessive caffeine consumption can trigger these muscle spasms. It is therefore recommended to get enough sleep, avoid stressors and not drink too much coffee. Smoking and alcohol can also cause attacks of myokymia.

What can your doctor do?

In most cases, the symptoms go away on their own and there is no need to treat the problem. The doctor will explain to you that this is a mild problem and that you should not worry.

If the symptoms persist for several months and become bothersome, you may be considered for an injection of botulinum toxin to stop the muscles from contracting.

Want to know more?


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Myokymia of the eyelid’ (2009), updated on 02/15/2016 and adapted to the Belgian context on 06/26/2019 – ebpracticenet