“Treasure in the garden” by Gabriiel, an album between folk and blues

After an EP, “Light in the dark” released in 2020 and unanimously hailed by professionals and the public, Gabriiel wanted, for this new album, “Treasure in the garden”, to break with this norm, all in all understandable, which wants that we normally record a disc in the studio.

It is therefore with his nomadic studio under his arm, the ”Somewhere studio” as he likes to call it, that he left to record this opus, in several sessions and in different places in Franceinvolving in this musical adventure off the beaten track his acolytes Mary Clop (vocals), Yann Phayphet (double bass, vocals, programming), to which is added live Vincent Pellerin (guitars, vocals).

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No wonder, then, that this album is an open window on a world in perpetual motion, where wealth is born from the encounter and the past sounds like a promise for the future. From the small story of some to the great of others, from the intimate to the universal, from this past that we do not forget to this future that we dream of painting with beautiful optimistic colors, the words of Gabriel connect our synapses to the universe to soothe our lives, and offer us a few seconds of fullness unexpected in this crazy world.

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