Travel to Saudi Arabia | The White House defends the Biden project

(Washington) The White House on Monday defended Joe Biden’s plan to visit Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman, despite US intelligence findings that he “validated” the assassination of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Posted yesterday at 7:44 p.m.

“This trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia – when it does take place – will come against the backdrop of important goals for the American people in the Middle East region,” the House spokeswoman told reporters. Blanche, Karine Jean-Pierre.

” Whether [Joe Biden] decides that it is in the interest of the United States to make contact with a foreign leader and that this contact can bring results, then he will do it,” she added.

The oil monarchy “has been a strategic partner for nearly 80 years. There is no doubt that important interests [américains] are linked to Saudi Arabia,” she said.

The American press announced that Joe Biden would make his first visit as president to Israel and Saudi Arabia on the occasion of a tour which will take him this month to Germany and Spain for G7 and NATO summits. NATO.

But, faced with criticism of this volte-face by the Democratic president, who had promised to treat the kingdom as a “pariah” after the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, the White House refused to confirm this information.

The media then claimed that the trip had been postponed, possibly to July.

Refusing once again to confirm, Karine Jean-Pierre denied that the executive had changed its plans.

“People have asked if it has been delayed. The president said himself […] that a visit was planned. But it was not moved or shifted. This information is not accurate. »

A trip in June “was considered but never stopped”, she commented.

This diplomatic warming comes just after two apparent Saudi concessions to Joe Biden’s goals: an increase in crude oil production that could help relieve rising prices, and the extension of a truce in Yemen.

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