Travel agencies are overwhelmed with calls

The abolition of rapid border tests for doubly vaccinated travelers gives wind in the sails to travel agencies, whose telephone has not been ringing since the announcement.

At CAA-Quebec, it’s such madness that the organization lacks hands to respond to customers who want to get information or book a trip.

“We are seeing the number of calls increase drastically and it is everywhere in our travel centers. We are so busy that we are looking for new advisors and travel agents, ”says Andrée-Anne Déry, spokesperson.

Disturbing requirement

Although this last requirement for travel is less restrictive for adequately vaccinated people, it could still be disturbing.

“It was still a hindrance for travelers, but there is not much left to prevent them from traveling,” continues Mme Dery.

At Voyages Paradis, it’s also effervescence.

“Already, for two weeks, it has picked up very strongly because it was in the plans that the tests were going to be lifted. There are a lot fewer constraints for the clients”, summarizes Laurent Grand’Maison, general manager of the agency.

A big step forward

The abolition of rapid tests is “a big step forward” for the travel industry, as the requirement raised a lot of concerns for travellers.

In addition to the abolition of rapid tests, Mr. Grand’Maison estimates that many travelers have more money to fly to their dream destination, because they have not been able to do so for two years.

Destinations in the south remain the most popular, according to various agencies. Despite the conflict in Ukraine, some travelers still choose to go to Europe, but prefer countries further east.

Moreover, a new tool, Sherpa, is now available to travelers to find out about all the restrictions and requirements – whether related to COVID-19 or not – of the country they wish to travel to. .

In particular, the website allows travelers to find out about everything they need to do before the trip, depending on their point of departure and their destination.

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