Traumatology: better training to save more lives

The new trauma center at the Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur in Montreal has a training center that will help improve the knowledge of physicians across the province.

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Already this weekend, 17 physicians from across Quebec are taking courses to perfect their knowledge in critical care.

“What we are trying to do is to have a stabilization program that is standardized for all hospitals, whether small centers or more specialized centers”, explains Dr Marc Giroux, neurosurgeon at the ‘Sacred Heart Hospital.

Last year, 1,750 trauma patients were admitted to the Montreal hospital, including 500 from the Laurentians, Lanaudière and Abitibi.

Road accident, work accident or armed conflict, medical teams on the front lines never know what to expect.

Trauma training is all the more important since it saves more lives.

According to information from Harold Gagné


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