Transport, schools, health… What disruptions should we expect for the strike day on October 13?

The inter-union calls for mobilization for wages and equal pay between men and women. If transport should be little affected, private doctors could assiduously follow the movement.

“We need to stock up.” The leader of the CGT, Sophie Binet, intends to mark the occasion for the day of mobilization scheduled for Friday October 13. The inter-union is calling for a strike and demonstrations to demand wage increases and equal pay between men and women, before the social conference on low wages scheduled for October 16.

“It’s not EuroMillions that we should play, it’s the ‘Euro demonstration’ that we should participate in”, insisted Sophie Binet on franceinfo on Sunday. Schools, civil service, transport, health… Franceinfo takes stock of the sectors which will be affected.

In public transports

At the SNCF, three union organizations, CGT-Cheminots, Sud-Rail and the CFDT, assured that they would follow the movement. They want “put an end to wage austerity, the loss of jobs and policies to dismantle the public service”assures the CGT in a press release.

However, the disruptions should not be too strong. Traffic should be normal for the TGV. On the other hand, certain TER lines will be disrupted, and the SNCF invites travelers to find out region by region on its website.

In Ile-de-France, the disruptions will mainly concern the RER D and C with two trains out of three, as for lines H, L, U and R of the Transilien. On line N, there will be three trains out of four. Everywhere else, service will be normal. In Ile-de-France public transport (RATP), the CGT called, in a press release, for a strike for equal pay between men and women, “the establishment of an indexing mechanism” of the value of the statutory point on inflation and “stopping disguised privatization”. On the network, traffic will not experience any difficulty.

Finally, on the road transport side, the Federal Road Union of the FGTE-CFDT union also invites, in a press release (PDF document)transporters for a day of mobilizations and demonstrations “against austerity and for increased salaries, pensions and gender equality“.

At airports

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) on Monday asked airlines to give up 40% of their flight schedule on Friday at Paris-Orly, France’s second largest airport. At issue: the call for a strike relayed by the Usac-CGT union, a minority among air traffic controllers, but already at the forefront in the spring in the mobilization against pension reform.

Carriers have also been called upon to reduce their flight schedules to Marseille-Provence by 20% and by 15% to Beauvais, the DGAC said in a press release.

The activity of en-route air navigation centers, managing aircraft circulating in French skies, will also be affected, added the DGAC. “Despite these preventive measures, disruptions and delays are nevertheless to be expected”she emphasized, inviting “passengers who can, postpone their trip and contact their airline to find out the status of their flight”.

At the doctors

A “black Friday” is expected in the offices of private doctors, who are called to a renewable strike by all their representative unions. Liberal medicine “will stop to give a strong signal to the public authorities. Indisputably, it is a black Friday and it will be renewed”summarized, Tuesday, the president of the Bloc (surgeons’ union), Philippe Cuq, spokesperson for a brand new “inter-union”, which brings together 12 representative organizations of doctors or young doctors.

“All consultation activities and technical procedures have been canceled. All emergencies will be transferred to the public hospital” and the guards “arrested”, he continued. He clarified that the “vital emergencies” would be “supported”.

Difficult to estimate at the moment the follow-up of this movement, but ” mobilization will go far beyond just unionized doctors“, that represent “around 10%” of the total number of liberal doctors, argued Philippe Cuq.

This strike must prepare the ground before a future new tariff negotiation with Social Security. The price of the basic consultation should increase to 26.50 euros from November 1, instead of the current 25 euros. Everyone, including the government, considers this revaluation insufficient. The last one was from 2017.

In schools and the public service

The call for mobilization was relayed by the FSU-SNUipp, the leading union in nursery and elementary schools, and by the Snes-FSU, the majority in middle and high schools, which are demanding equal pay between men and women. women. We do not yet know the impact of this call for mobilization, although each teacher must declare themselves on strike 48 hours before the start of the movement. However, this obligation does not concern middle and high school teachers.

Higher education could also suffer the consequences of mobilization since Snesup-FSU, the inter-union of higher education and research, published a press release calling for “staff and students to join massively in the various actions, rallies, demonstrations, walkouts and strikes organized during the European mobilization day of October 13”.

Finally, the civil service inter-union has also joined the call for mobilization and urgently requests that “general measures are taken to increase the remuneration of all“, she said in a press release.

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