Transport: one year before the Olympic Games, Paris metro passengers stranded



Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

M.Bougault, O.Longueval, J.Desrousseaux, C.Cuello, A.Lo Cascio, J.Rolland, G.Bensoussan B.Moignoux, A.Remond, M.Bitton@RevelateursFTV – France 2

France Televisions

On Wednesday June 14, passengers on line 4 of the Paris metro found themselves stranded in the tunnels of the metro. A few months before the Olympic Games, this incident raises questions.

During nearly two hours, passengers on the Paris metro were stranded in sweltering heat. One year from the Olympics, this scenario is cause for concern. At the end of their tether, some users leave the metro in defiance of the danger. They move painfully in the darkness of the tunnel to reach the nearest station. A six-month-pregnant woman was in one of the blocked trains. In the tunnel, it must have been over 40°C. […] I was exhausted and just wanted to get out“, testifies Adsia The young.

A series of incidents

What happened on line 4, Wednesday, June 14? Three incidents followed. AT 6 p.m.there was a first signaling problem. AT 6:42 the Cité station, a metro door closes on a traveler’s backpack. The warning signal is fired and traffic interrupted. Finally at 7:24 p.m.there is material damage to a train. Five trains then find themselves stuck underground. All are automated. According to the unions, this makes it difficult to evacuate, as there is no driver inside. It is only at 9:30 p.m. that all passengers were able to reach the platforms. The RATP claims that it was unlucky. The RATP CEO has called for an internal investigation.

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