“Transport is falling, materials are falling, when will the fall” for consumers?, asks the CLCV

The government has called on manufacturers and supermarkets to lower prices on the shelves. For the president of the CLCV Jean-Yves Mano, the fall in the cost of raw materials should also benefit consumers.

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CLCV President Jean-Yves Mano, guest of franceinfo on May 9, 2022 (FRANCEINFO/RADIOFRANCE)

“Transport is down, energy is down, raw materials are down, cardboard is down, when will the drop“for consumers?, asked Friday, April 7 on franceinfo Jean-Yves Mano, president of the association Consumption housing living environment (CLCV), while the government asked manufacturers and supermarkets to recover around the negotiating table to lower shelf prices”whenever it is objectively justified“.”The entire economic processing sector must ask itself the question and must accept renegotiations“, insists Jean-Yves Mano.

The issue of lower prices had already been “discussed with Bruno Le Maire a month ago” by the CLCV, underlines its president. He recalls that “the Egalim 2 law envisages renegotiations in the event of an increase“and does not see”why it would not be the case, in the event of a drop“, production costs. “Today, consumers are waiting for extremely precise signs from manufacturers and supermarkets so that consumers can immediately benefit from reductions.”

“They need to lower the prices”

Jean-Yves Mano wants “to understand well“that manufacturers have”negotiated a number of fixed price energy contracts over several months” Or “bought fertilizer for some with a stock to sell“, which creates “a lag” cash. But he believes that “the tension is such on the financial pressure of our fellow citizens that manufacturers must look closely at how they can themselves renegotiate certain types of contracts to allow consumers to benefit from price reductions“.

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The president of the CLCV judges that “some” have “benefited“of the crisis”to try to support and replenish the margins in an absolutely extraordinary way“. But if “farmers must continue to work, to earn a decent living“he calls”everyone in the production chain” to be “reasonable, since potentially the increases are sometimes unjustified“.

In the supermarket shopping cart there are fewer products and there are extremely cheap products because, out of absolute necessity, citizens do not have the financial means to feed themselves properly“, adds Jean-Yves Mano. If industrialists and supermarkets “want to boost consumption in quantity, they have to lower prices“.

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