Transport electrification: making the transition a success

Québec is well underway on its energy transition trajectory, but there is still a long way to go. The transportation sector alone generates 43.3% of the province’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in addition to contributing significantly to air pollution. It is for these reasons that the Government of Quebec places electrification at the heart of its Plan for a Green Economy 2030.

Quebec is at the forefront of transport electrification, because it can rely on its local hydroelectric power, which is 99% renewable, and which is one of the most low-carbon in the world. In addition, electrification initiatives not only have concrete impacts on the environment, but also on the local economy. In the context of the Green Economy 2030 Plan, it is expected that $3.48 billion will be invested from 2022 to 2027 to reduce transportation-related GHG emissions, including through electrification. A sum which will have as its corollary the creation of a large number of stable and well-paid jobs. The spinoffs from this major project will be positive both for the environment and for the collective wealth and quality of life of Quebecers.

The good news: the number of electric vehicles (EVs) and low-emission vehicles (LEVs) continues to increase in Quebec. But since this will not be enough to completely replace cars running on fossil fuels, we must also rely on the development of active transportation projects on foot or by bike, public transportation, carpooling and shared cars. At the same time, the Government of Quebec has set in motion actions to reduce the number of cars and gas-powered vehicles on our roads, actions that are inspired by the best practices listed internationally. Overview.


To democratize access to the electric car

Buyers know that it is not easy right now to obtain a zero-emission electric vehicle or a low-emission hybrid due to the lack of inventory and the limited choice of models. Recall that a vehicle is said to be “zero emissions” or “net zero emissions” if its operation generates no GHG emissions, as in the case of all-electric cars (EV) and battery-powered cars. to hydrogen. Low-emission plug-in hybrid vehicles (VFE), for their part, consume gasoline, but also have a certain all-electric range thanks to a battery that is recharged by plugging the vehicle into an electrical outlet or charging station. .

To encourage automakers to increase their local supply of low-carbon vehicles, the Quebec government implemented the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) standard, which came into effect in 2018. This requires automakers to sales of light vehicles in Quebec are made up of an increasingly large proportion of EVs over the years. Under this standard, manufacturers also have an advantage in marketing models with greater electric range and importing used electric vehicles into Québec. The ZEV standard thus allows consumers to obtain what they want, which is to have access to a greater choice of models of VFE.

The ZEV standard paves the way for the ban on the sale, as of 2035, of new light-duty gasoline or diesel vehicles everywhere in Quebec, and is part of the provincial government’s commitment to achieve its goal of electrifying passenger cars. , which is to have 1.6 million light electric vehicles on the road by 2030. It’s off to a good start since, as of March 31, 2022, nearly 138,000 electric vehicles were on the roads of Quebec, which represents 45% of all electric vehicle registrations in Canada.


To help Quebecers become electromobilists

Combined with the VZE ​​standard, the Roulez vert financial assistance program for the acquisition of electric vehicles helps make Québec a leader in the electrification of individual vehicles. The substantial financial incentives offered by the government partly offset the higher cost of acquiring or leasing a new or used electric vehicle, which is 25% to 30% higher than that of a gasoline-powered model. Subsidies can reach $7,000 for the purchase of a new electric vehicle and $3,500 for the purchase of a used vehicle. For the purchase of individual home charging stations, the program offers purchasers a refund of $600.


To transform a particularly polluting park

If citizen participation greatly contributes to the reduction of GHG emissions related to transport, that of organizations and public services is essential. This is why the Government of Quebec supports the electrification of heavy vehicles running on gasoline and diesel that criss-cross the four corners of the province. In addition to freight transportation, it is interested in public transit buses and school buses, which will be 55% and 65% electrified respectively by 2030. A very concrete transition, since the choice of school bus buyers is currently limited to electric models and will be from 2025 for city buses.


Because autonomy matters!

The electric shift is based not only on the offer of low-carbon vehicles, but also on an optimal distribution of charging stations. Because to ride, you have to be able to “fill up”! For this reason, the Roulez vert program offers, in addition to subsidies of $600 for the installation of home charging stations, reimbursements for multi-housing stations and workplace stations of up to $5,000 per connector.

New infrastructures are also necessary to allow owners of ZEVs or VFEs to drive worry-free anywhere in Quebec. This is where The Electric Circuit comes in, a network of charging stations that allows electric motorists to easily refuel their vehicle. Two options: fast charging stations, essential for those who cannot charge at home or who travel long distances on major roads, and standard stations, which are suitable for workplaces, private residences and multi-unit complexes. To date, Quebecers can count on 3,400 charging stations, including 600 fast ones.

Businesses wishing to embark on the path to electrification can count not only on the Roulez vert program, which funds the installation of charging stations in the workplace, but also on the Transportez vert program, which supports the installation of charging stations. fast DC charging for commercial vehicle fleets.

To learn more about the programs:

Drive green:

The Electric Circuit:

Carry Green:

Actions to combat climate change:

A pilot project in driving schools


This content was produced by Le Devoir’s special publications team in collaboration with the advertiser. Le Devoir’s editorial team had no role in the production of this content.

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