Transfer of lease | Duranceau accuses QS of making “disinformation”

(Quebec) Tempers are heating up on the subject of the transfer of lease during the study of Bill 31 on housing: the Minister of Housing, France-Élaine Duranceau, accuses the solidarity deputy Andrés Fontecilla of making “disinformation”.

Mr. Fontecilla affirmed that “the abolition for all practical purposes of the transfer of lease” would cause significant increases in rental prices.

“To brandish this scarecrow is disinformation and that’s all I have to say,” the minister said on Tuesday, visibly irritated by the intervention of the supportive member for Laurier-Dorion.


Andres Fontecilla

France-Élaine Duranceau insists that the transfer of lease is not a rent control measure and that all the rules for setting prices will continue to apply.

If Bill 31 is adopted, an owner will be able to refuse an assignment of lease for reasons other than serious ones. The minister defends herself, arguing that if an owner refuses to transfer the lease, the lease will simply be terminated. The tenant will therefore be free to leave.

Less than two weeks before the end of parliamentary work, the Minister of Housing still plans to be able to have Bill 31 adopted before Christmas and suggests that if this is not the case, it will be the fault of the parties of opposition.

Bill 31 has made a lot of waves since it was introduced last June. France-Élaine Duranceau immediately announced her desire to tackle lease transfers, which aroused the ire of tenant groups.

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