Training for practicing managers

How to find the program that’s right for you
Recognized among the best management schools in the world, Université Laval’s Faculty of Science (FSA ULaval) stands out for its cutting-edge programs that are aimed directly and exclusively at executives and managers. Their characteristic: teaching designed to meet the needs of the participants and to integrate their experience into the learning process.

Explore to go beyond your limits A good executive program empowers them to test and surpass their intellectual, behavioral and decision-making limits. We can assume, for example, that the content of all master’s programs for managers is essentially the same. At FSA ULaval, the difference lies in the way of giving, receiving and living the courses, as well as in the participative approach which raises the level of teaching.

“In a course, it is the group that is the main player in learning,” explains Roseline Boyer, coordinator of the pedagogical service. The more he engages, the more the acquisition of knowledge will be optimized. Executives and managers have the power to bring their lessons into unanticipated areas, and the teacher must be able to enrich the subject to raise the discussion to a higher level – this is the rebound effect. It is therefore not surprising that all professors and teachers at FSA (ULaval) are supported and coached to develop their ability to integrate their students’ comments.

Anchoring theory in practice
What above all distinguishes the programs on change leadership, management, team and project management intended for FSA ULaval executives and managers from other programs of the same type, is the active role that participants play in a course specially designed to integrate their skills and professional experience into learning activities. “A definite advantage: this learning, which anchors the theory in the concrete, can be put into practice in real time, without waiting for the end of the training”, explains Christophe Roux-Dufort, full professor in the Department of Management.

The programs have a transformative effect on practicing managers, who come away not only with a whole new perspective on the business world, but also with a strong network of professional contacts. The human factor is fundamental in the development of executives, and the links forged during training, like the apprenticeships, are there for good.

Diversify to lead better
As Roseline Boyer explains, training for executives and managers at FSA ULaval encourages participants to maximize the extent of their knowledge to develop a global vision of business issues. “Most don’t want or need to become specialists in every subject, but they need to be able to make informed decisions. By acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the impact of a subject on the different spheres of activity of their organizations, they will be able to ask the right questions, better lead their teams, and better supervise and equip them. »

Some participants, who tend to choose courses that correspond to their comfort zone, are rather encouraged to dare to venture into lesser-known areas. To develop, to excel, you have to explore new avenues.

Learn, each in their own way The FSA ULaval team considers that the quality of teaching must incorporate the principle that students and teachers cannot – and should not – fit into the same mould. Right here, one size does not fit all ! Each course is developed in a specific way so that the teachers excel according to their personality and the contribution of their group.

To this must be added that the hybridization of teaching – face-to-face or in virtual mode, live or delayed – makes it possible to deploy personalized transmission methods to better disseminate content. A flexible organization of learning, which was already well in place long before the pandemic! As for the program schedule, it offers great flexibility to participants, who can follow them full-time, part-time, or even totally remotely, if desired.



To get informed

FSA ULaval offers remote information sessions to learn more about its programs for practicing managers. The next sessions will take place online, from 121 p.m. to 1 p.m., on March 10, April 21 and April 28, 2022. For more information or to register, it’s here.

FSA ULaval holds two international accreditations that place it among the top 1% of business schools in the world and recognize its excellence in all its aspects, including teaching, research and pedagogical innovation. Choose from its credited programs, its exclusive programs for managers or its continuing education and you will benefit from an internationally recognized education and an environment that promotes exchanges that will allow you to achieve your professional goals.

This content was produced by Le Devoir’s special publications team in collaboration with the advertiser. Le Devoir’s editorial team had no role in the production of this content.

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