Training for managers, an investment that pays off

The world of work is undergoing profound transformations and successful leaders must keep pace and even get ahead of the curve. Solution: programs for practicing executives, such as those offered by the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Laval University (FSA ULaval).

In the current economic context, any manager who wishes to progress, optimize his performance and actively contribute to the growth of his organization knows that continuous skills development is essential. To meet this growing need, FSA ULaval has developed a range of recognized training courses, specifically adapted to the objectives, availability and reality of current managers.

Programs tailored to your ambitionsDesigned exclusively for practicing managers, the training courses are offered in flexible formulas, perfectly adapted to the reality of the participants having to reconcile professional life, personal life and university studies. They are available in hybrid mode, combining individual remote activities and occasional lessons in class, to be taken face-to-face or by videoconference.

At the first cycle, FSA ULaval offers three certificates: change management and work teams, management and project management. At the second cycle, leadership in organizational change can be developed as part of a microprogram, a specialized graduate diploma (DESS) or a master’s degree. In these “nested” programs, a manager can easily start with firmware and work his way up to masters. Finally, for more than ten years, the Faculty has also offered the prestigious Executive MBA (EMBA).

The common denominator of the training offered by FSA ULaval, regardless of the program chosen: a pragmatic approach, which focuses on efficiency and optimization of knowledge through the immediate transposition of the concepts taught in the daily life of managers. By going directly from theory to practice, they can thus use the knowledge acquired in the context of their work environment, without delay.

Learn in good companySharing learning with peers is a key element of the training offered to practicing executives, as Harold Fortin, senior director, external communications at SNC-Lavalin and who graduated from the EMBA in 2021, observed. “The training offers us several perspectives. , and we learn from everyone who participates in it. It is a real partnership that is established between teachers who are very competent in their respective fields and managers with diverse professional backgrounds. These exchanges present a broader vision of the issues and optimize our management skills. For someone who values ​​interacting with peers from different organizations outside of their workplace, the EMBA program is ideal. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t apply something I learned there! “

A winning formula: the EMBATailor-made for managers, professionals and entrepreneurs wishing to optimize their prospects for advancement, this flagship program allows participants to obtain their diploma without interrupting their professional activities. The EMBA is intended exclusively for practicing executives with solid management experience, and the annual cohort is limited to around thirty people. A select club, of which Harold Fortin is a member. “What distinguishes the EMBA from FSA ULaval is that the training is given in three stages,” he explains. Academic training, learning through the projects we are working on and fruitful exchanges with the other managers who make up the cohort, all this allows us to learn and reflect on the situations that all managers are confronted with on a daily basis. “

The 18-month training, which requires 45 days face-to-face, or once every two weeks, is combined with online activities to meet the flexibility needs of executives. In particular, it promotes the sharing of experiences with peers, which makes it possible to explore all aspects of the work of a manager, and it relies on case studies and simulations that directly relate to the organization of the participants. All this, complemented by a stay at Babson College, including training and case studies. “I really appreciated the fact that Laval University forged ties with one of the top-rated entrepreneurship universities in the United States,” says Harold Fortin. This one-week training with a highly skilled faculty team allowed me to develop my understanding of the international business environment, which I really appreciated since I work in a large company that does business abroad. With the rapid evolution of communications and international trade agreements, it is essential to understand what is happening across borders in order to adapt our strategy here in Quebec. “

Want to take action?

FSA ULaval holds two international approvals which place it among the 1% of the best management schools in the world and recognize its excellence in all its aspects, including teaching, research and educational innovation. Choose from its credited programs, its exclusive programs for managers or its continuing education, and you will benefit from internationally recognized education and an environment that promotes exchanges that will allow you to achieve your professional goals.

This content was produced by Le Devoir’s special publications team in collaboration with the advertiser. Le Devoir’s editorial team played no role in the production of this content.

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