Trafficking in dead animals discovered in Charente-Maritime

It is an association that has shed light on this animal trafficking. A forty-year-old, her companion and their knacker are suspected of having stripped dead animals before storing them in a house in La Jard, in Charente-Maritime.

The remains were advertised on social media. “I present to you for sale a pony skull and a horse skull“.

In a house in Charente-Maritime, in the town of La Jard, dozens of dead animals were stored, then offered for sale on a Facebook page.

Behind this page, an alleged trio: a forty-something, her companion and their knacker.

It’s disgusting, it’s shocking, never, I could have thought that this kind of thing was happening behind my house“, says a neighbor.

The actions of the trio were revealed in February 2022 by the association “Extreme rescue”. One of the members who infiltrated the Facebook group on which the announcements were published.

That day, a volunteer from the association came across a publication where we saw that a lady was having fun cutting up a Rottweiler to make a rug“, explains the president of the association “Extreme Rescue”.

It is a file that marked us and will mark us forever. We are regularly confronted with mistreatment of all kinds, but there, these are the remains, we can’t even manage to respect them, I don’t find that normal.

Matthieu, president of the “Extreme Rescue” association

Trial next November

Following these revelations from the association, an investigation was opened against the Charentaise, her companion and their knacker.

What is expected of justice is an exemplary sanction, even dead animals must be respected“, adds Matthew.

The three defendants will appear before the Bordeaux Criminal Court next November for “detention, transport and use of protected animals and concealed work”.

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