Traffic resumed in the province-Paris direction on a single lane and only for light vehicles on Friday.
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The A13 motorway reopened on Friday May 10, towards Paris according to the Sytadin website, reports France Bleu Paris. The A13 is reopened to one lane and only to light vehicles. The ban on heavy goods vehicles is maintained. In the other direction, Paris-province, there is no reopening planned before at least the end of June.
The reopening is partial: on one lane from Vaucresson, only towards Paris, and only for light vehicles, up to the Saint-Cloud viaduct, then on two lanes towards Paris, up to the ring road. “A single lane will not guarantee the fluidity of traffic over an entire day, that said most of the time like today for example, where we have quite low traffic, this single lane of traffic makes it possible to reach Paris without any problem, explains the director of Dirif. Probably returning from the weekend or returning from vacation, it will be more complicated.”
“Relieve the entire local network”
The Dirif “continues to advise diversion routes for everyone who can to avoid everyone ending up at the same time on the A13.” But she welcomes this reopening which will “relieve the entire local network today”.
In the other direction, towards Yvelines and Normandy, no reopening planned before the end of June. “The roadway to the province requires much more rehabilitation work, recognizes Jacques Salhi. Not really for issues of the roadway itself but rather for a large sanitation work which is located under the roadway which is badly damaged, badly cracked”.
The Dirif “cannot just completely redo the roadway, we have to dig very deep, up to 5 meters deep to be able to change this sanitation work which is quite an important work since it is more than two meters long of diameter”. Works “quite heavy and quite substantial that the departmental council must hire, so that we can then carry out our road repair work”, continues Jacques Salhi. The Dirif therefore does not give “no ultra-precise deadline but we suspect that it will probably be during the second half of June or even the end of June.”