traffic forecasts in Brittany this Wednesday

On the eve of the school holidays, train traffic will be disrupted throughout France this Wednesday, July 6 due to a social movement at the SNCF. Management announces two TER out of five on average, two Ouigo trains out of three and three TGV Inoui out of four in the Atlantic axis. Users will be able to request an exchange or refund before departure at no cost or additional cost.

Forecasts in Brittany

TGVs removed:

  • Paris-Quimper at 12:59 p.m.
  • Quimper-Paris at 5:47 p.m.
  • Paris-Brest at 10.56 a.m.
  • Brest-Paris at 2:14 p.m.

Partially canceled TGVs:

  • TGV 8792: does not run from Lorient (2:58 p.m.) to Rennes (4:25 p.m.). It runs from Rennes (4:35 p.m.) to Paris Montparnasse (6:04 p.m.).
  • TGV 8691: does not run from Rennes (10:28 a.m.) to Lannion (12:13 p.m.). It runs from Paris Montparnasse (8:56 a.m.) to Rennes (10:25 a.m.).
  • TGV 8690: does not run from Lannion (3:45 p.m.) to Rennes (5:25 p.m.). It runs from Rennes (5:35 p.m.) to Paris Montparnasse (7:05 p.m.).

Ouigo deleted:

  • Roissy Charles de Gaulle-Quimper airport at 9:36 a.m.
  • Quimper-Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport at 4:32 p.m.
  • Paris Montparnasse-Rennes at 7:48 a.m.
  • Rennes-Paris Montparnasse at 10:18 a.m.

Traffic is adapted on the following TER lines:

  • Rennes-Redon-Vannes-Quimper
  • Rennes-Saint-Brieuc-Lannion-Brest
  • Rennes-Montreuil-sur-Ille-Saint-Malo
  • Rennes-Vitre-Laval
  • Dol-Dinan-Saint-Brieuc
  • Quimper-Brest
  • Carhaix-Guingamp-Paimpol
  • Rennes-Nantes (via Redon)
  • Rennes-Nantes (via Sablé)

TERs removed:

  • No traffic on the Auray-Quiberon line
  • No traffic on the Rennes-Janzé-Châteaubriant line

SNCF invites TER Breizhgo travelers to consult the exchange and refund conditions on the dedicated site.

Railway workers on strike for higher wages

The four trade union organizations of the SNCF, namely CGT, CFDT, Sud Rail and Unsa asked to meet with management in early July to negotiate a pay rise. “Railway workers, like all employees, are faced with growing inflation”explains the secretary general of the CGT railway workers of Brittany, Emmanuel Briand. “Management refuses discussions”, he says. She refused their request for immediate consultation on June 16.

Gold “It’s urgent” according to the unions to maintain their purchasing power, “This strike is not to annoy userscontinues Emmanuel Briand. It is the management, which by refusing any negotiation, penalizes the travelers.” Railway workers deplore the absence of a general increase since 2014.

A round table with management is scheduled for today. The unions hope that this strike movement will weigh in the negotiations.

source site-38