traffic cut off on the A10 towards Paris because of a truck lying on the tracks

The accident occurred around one o’clock in the morning, north of Orleans. A heavy goods vehicle traveling on the A10 motorway towards Paris lay down on the tracks, across the road, between the A10/A71 interchange and exit n°14 of Orléans-nord. The A10 motorway towards Paris has since been completely cut off.

Vinci Autoroutes, whose teams are on site, have taken traffic management measures:

  • On the A10, exit n°15 Meung-sur-Loire: compulsory exit, access prohibited
  • On the A10, exit n°16 Sea: exit recommended, entry prohibited
  • On the A71, exit n°1 Orléans Centre: compulsory exit, access prohibited
  • On the A71, exit n°2 Olivet: exit recommended, entry prohibited

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