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The Hauts-de-Seine police seized 15 tonnes of nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas. It is at the heart of recent trafficking for its euphoric effects and has already led to several deaths.
By controlling a simple scooter, the Hauts-de-Seine police did not think they would go that far. After having intercepted a seller of nitrous oxide in full delivery, the investigators went back to an anonymous warehouse located about thirty kilometers east of Paris, following the confessions of the driver. They then came face to face with many canisters containing this laughing gas sold illegally. Total weight of the catch: 15 tons, a record seizure.
“This record seizure of nitrous oxide is the symbol of the evolution of this business. We were able to go up the chain”, underlines Christophe Rouget, national secretary of the union of internal security executives. Growing traffic. In one click, many young people in the evening provide themselves to inhale this gas with euphoric effects. A bottle is sold around 20 euros. A phenomenon that worries the authorities. It would be the cause of several deaths and car accidents.