Traded to the Flames: Tyler Toffoli expected it

MONTREAL | Tyler Toffoli had always said that he loved Montreal and that he wore the Canadiens’ uniform with great pride. But at 29 and in his tenth season in the NHL, the winger had enough experience to know that his fate was more in the hands of the new leaders of the CH.

• Read also: Toffoli traded to the Flames: Kent Hughes begins the reconstruction of the Canadian

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“I suspected that a transaction could happen. I am happy at the idea of ​​landing in Calgary. The Flames have a good team. I know several players and I will find Darryl Sutter as head coach. The transition should therefore be smooth. »

“The trade makes both teams happy,” he continued. The Canadian felt it was the right thing to do. »

Toffoli had discussions with Jeff Gorton, vice president of hockey operations, and Kent Hughes, general manager. He therefore did not fall out of his chair when he received the call from the Habs telling him that he had to pack his bags for Alberta.

“I had several discussions with them,” he said. I wanted to stay, I wanted to help the team and be part of the solution. I was also looking forward to seeing the direction the team was to take. However, I had warned them by telling them that I understood the situation and that if they wanted to trade me, I was not to blame them. »


Gorton and Hughes have never ruled out the possibility of a reconstruction to put the CH back on the right track. With the departure of Toffoli, it is another indication of the intentions of the two hockey men.

“I will not be the only one to be exchanged, there will be other changes”, has also predicted the former number 73.

If he had already proclaimed his desire to extend his stay in Montreal regardless of the intentions of Gorton and Hughes, Toffoli remained ambivalent with the possibility of enduring dark days for a few more seasons.

“I was 50-50 (on the concept of a reconstruction), he replied. I am not getting any younger. I play hockey to win games, but I liked the group of players with the Canadiens. We wanted to become a better team. We were shooting each other in the foot. If I was to stay, I would still have given my 100% and I would have remained the same player. »

A dinner with Caufield

During his brief stay in Montreal, just under two years, Toffoli had had time to serve as a big brother for younger players on the team, like Nick Suzuki and Cole Caufield.

“I’ve been texting Nick for the past few hours,” he said. I was with Cole last night, we had dinner together. I talked to them, I told them there was a good chance I was leaving. Cole didn’t want me to see me go. He does not yet understand the reality of the NHL, the exchanges are part of the business of this sport. »

“They’re two good young players in the NHL,” he continued. Nick is ready to take it to another level. He is already a star player, but he can still give more. He has the talent to become an exceptional center in this league. For Cole, he had a rough start to the season, like the whole team. It was not easy for him, but he will grow from this experience. »

In his only full season with CH last year, Toffoli led the team in goals (28) and points (44).

“Honestly, there are several things I will remember from my days with the Canadiens. I loved Montreal, it’s a beautiful city. My wife was happy too. Last year, everyone doubted us and we had a long run in the playoffs. Unfortunately, we didn’t win. But it was special. This year there were high expectations and I feel like everything that could possibly go wrong happened. »

See also

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