TPMP: Guillaume Genton attacked by a spectator, the columnists to his rescue

Is Guillaume Genton one of the worst chroniclers of Do not touch My TV ? According to Alex, a young man who recently came to the audience to watch the show, the answer is yes. In the podcast I tested for youhe shared his experience, which was rather positive if we discount the contemptuous behavior of the columnist and Géraldine Maillet, “on their phones all evening” and “very unfriendly with the public“: “They were haughty, very haughty“. If Géraldine Maillet does not really pay attention to what others think of her, Guillaume Genton was slightly pained to see that he passes for what he is not with others: “What you have to understand is that we all have very different personalities around the table.

Guillaume Genton continued his explanations by comparing himself with his colleagues: “Raymond is a very extroverted person who approaches everyone. As far as I’m concerned, what can pass for contempt is shyness, it’s true! We, Cyril, we’ve known each other for almost 5 years and it took me maybe a year or two before talking to you and laughing with you. I’m sorry if there are people who think I’m haughty.“Géraldine Maillet also blamed herself for it:”I feel responsible because I have a reputation for being haughty, but Guillaume Genton, he’s so adorable, so nice, so simple, close to people, warm… I feel like I’ve corrupted him . Normally they talk to everyone all the time and because of me he’s in a spiral of being haughty.

Claiming that he was going toquestion“After very clear-cut opinions concerning him, Guillaume Genton was comforted by another of his colleagues: Kelly Vedovelli. : “Guillaume is very mysterious, even us where we don’t know his life. He’s like that !“Guillaume Genton soon to be nice? To be continued!

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