TPMP: A spectator feels unwell live, Géraldine Maillet very worried

You can’t control everything during live broadcasts. In the issue of Do not touch My TV of this Monday, January 24 on C8, one of the spectators attending the show suffered from discomfort. The incident occurred while Géraldine Maillet was giving her opinion on the report by Restricted zone broadcast the day before on M6 about radical Islamism. Before she could finish what she had to say, the columnist was interrupted by the cry of a man sitting in the front row. Not understanding where the noise was coming from, Géraldine Maillet opened her eyes wide before realizing that it was a health concern in the room. A man often present during the broadcasts was actually the victim of an epileptic seizure: “It’s nothing, it’s nothing reassured Cyril Hanouna. It’s a small crisis, you have to stretch it out sir, stretch it out!

Security quickly intervened as well as emergency services at the request of the host: “Thank you, it’s nothing, it’s a small crisis, continued Cyril Hanouna. It’s very hot on the set. If you can put the person in the dressing room like that, they rest a bit.“After the incident, Bianca and Lino’s father said a bit more about the identity of the person whose health played tricks on him:”It’s a boy who had a small epileptic fit, who comes to see us and we are very happy every time. It’s going to get better, it’s impressive but it’s going to be fine.

This is not the first time that discomfort has occurred on the set of Cyril Hanouna’s shows. In May 2020 in It’s just love, Valérie Bénaïm had worried the whole band of C8: “She had her tooth anesthetized this afternoon and she has a small drop in blood pressure., revealed the host. It is nothing serious” he said. Indeed, Valérie Bénaïm was back and in great shape a few minutes later. Let’s hope for the spectator that everything ends well for him as well.

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