Toyota expects to miss annual production target

(Tokyo) Japanese auto giant Toyota warned on Friday that it did not expect to achieve its goal of producing 9.7 million vehicles in its 2022-2023 fiscal year ending March 31, due to continued difficulties in the economy. supply of semiconductors.

Posted at 7:08

The world’s number one automobile delivered this forecast last May when presenting its 2021-2022 annual results, and had maintained it so far despite monthly production volumes regularly below its expectations.

The group, which had produced 8.5 million units in 2021-2022, did not provide a new objective immediately: “It remains difficult to project itself because of the impact” of shortages of semi- drivers and other factors, he explained in a press release on his production plan in November.

Eight of its 14 factories in Japan are expected to be affected next month by partial production stoppages due to these supply constraints, said Toyota, which is due to publish its quarterly results on 1er november.

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